War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
Lightning Fast Fighter
Rarity Rarityicon mr
Cost 60
Master Ability Critical Dmg +40%, AGI +10%
Element Lightning
Main Job Monk
Sub Jobs Knight | Green Mage
TMR Icebreaker Fists
Type Original Unit
Voice Actor JP Ari Ozawa
Voice Actor EN Sarah Williams


A monk from Wezette who lost both parents to war. She enlisted in the Wezette army to support her young brother but was at a loss at her inability to adapt to the strict rules. It was then that Glaciela, who cares for her like a sister, scouted her to join «Spirare».


Stat Min Max
HP 233 873
TP 48 75
AP 57 71
ATK 67 113
MAG 27 45
DEX 54 90
AGI 26 32
Luck 56 89
Slash Pierce Blow Shot Magic
-5 -5 5 0 -15
Fire Ice Wind Earth Thunder Water Light Dark
0 0 0 -15 0 15 0 0
Poison Blind Sleep Silence Paralysis
0 -25 0 0 0
Confusion Petrify Frog Charm Slow
0 0 0 15 50
Stop Immobilize Disable Berserk Doom
0 0 0 50 0
Move Jump
3 3



Name Range Description Requirements
Pummel Skill Area 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackThunder StrikeDeals 2-Hit Dmg (S) to target.
Formula: 100% ATK +20% DEX
Effect Value: 107% ~ 133%

Action Points 15

Uses: 5

JP: 0
Job LV: 1
AWK: 1
Store Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackNon-ElementalSignificantly raises own ATK for 1 turn.
Formula: 100% ATK +20% DEX
Effect Value: 100% ~ 100%
100% ~ 150% ATK

Technical Points 20

Uses: 2

JP: 0
Job LV: 1
AWK: 1
Countdown Skill Area 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackNon-ElementalChance of inflicting Doom on target.
4 Doom
Rate: 50%

Technical Points 20

Uses: 4

JP: 1250
Job LV: 12
AWK: 6
Revive Skill Area 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionNon-ElementalChance of recovering target from KO status and recovering HP (Min).
Effect Value: 100% ~ 100%
10% ~ 25% Raise
Rate: 25%

Technical Points 32

Uses: 2

JP: 1250
Job LV: 7
AWK: 6
Purification Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackNon-ElementalRemoves Poison, Blind, Sleep, Silence, Petrify, Gradual Petrify, Toad, Immobilize, and Disable from allies within area around self.
Effect Value: 100% ~ 100%

Technical Points 18

Uses: 3

JP: 1250
Job LV: 7
AWK: 6
Chakra Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackNon-ElementalRecovers HP/TP (M) of allies within area around self.
180% ~ 205% Max HP
20% ~ 32% Max TP

Technical Points 18

Uses: 3

JP: 1250
Job LV: 7
AWK: 5

Name Range Description Requirements
Surge Strike Skill Area 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackThunder StrikeDeals Dmg (S) to target.
Formula: 100% ATK +20% DEX
Effect Value: 95% ~ 121%

Action Points 12

Uses: 8

JP: 100
Job LV: 5
AWK: 1
Terra Slash Skill Area 10 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackThunder StrikeDeals Dmg (M) to targets within range & Piercing (does not affect targets with Float status).
Formula: 100% ATK +20% DEX
Effect Value: 130% ~ 165%

Action Points 30

Uses: 3

JP: 15
Job LV: 3
AWK: 1

Name Range Description Requirements
Power Break Skill Area 10 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackThunder SlashDeals Dmg (S) to targets within range & lowers ATK for 3 turns.
Formula: 100% ATK +20% DEX
Effect Value: 100% ~ 126%
-20% ~ -43% ATK

Action Points 18

Uses: 3

JP: 150
Job LV: 3
AWK: 2
Magic Break Skill Area 10 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackThunder SlashDeals Dmg (S) to targets within range & lowers MAG for 3 turns.
Formula: 100% ATK +20% DEX
Effect Value: 100% ~ 126%
-20% ~ -43% MAG

Action Points 18

Uses: 3

JP: 200
Job LV: 5
AWK: 3
Divine Healing Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackNon-ElementalRaises own Max HP for 3 turns & recovers the amount of HP raised.
5% ~ 20% Max HP

Technical Points 12

Uses: 2

JP: 100
Job LV: 3
AWK: 3
Speed Break Skill Area 10 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackThunder SlashDeals Dmg (S) to targets within range & lowers AGI for 3 turns.
Formula: 100% ATK +20% DEX
Effect Value: 95% ~ 121%
-5% ~ -20% AGI

Action Points 22

Uses: 3

JP: 300
Job LV: 7
AWK: 6
Trinity Break Skill Area 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackThunder SlashDeals Dmg (M) to target & lowers ATK/MAG/AGI for 3 turns.
Formula: 100% ATK +20% DEX
Effect Value: 130% ~ 165%
-20% ~ -39% ATK
-20% ~ -39% MAG
-10% ~ -25% AGI

Action Points 34

Uses: 3

JP: 1250
Job LV: 12
AWK: 5
Arm Break Skill Area 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon phy attackThunder SlashDeals Dmg (M) to target & chance of inflicting Disable for 3 turns.
Formula: 100% ATK +20% DEX
Effect Value: 140% ~ 191%
Rate: 25%

Action Points 22

Uses: 3

JP: 300
Job LV: 7
AWK: 6

Name Range Description Requirements
Vitalize Skill Area 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 2
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon mag attackNon-ElementalRaises target's AGI for 3 turns.
10% ~ 25% AGI

Technical Points 12

Uses: 8

Cast Time 160 ~ 320
JP: 500
Job LV: 5
AWK: 4
Ruin Skill Area 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 2
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ActionAttacktypeicon mag attackNon-Elemental MagicDeals Non-Elemental Dmg (M) to target based on caster's MAG stat.
Formula: 100% MAG +5% DEX +0% AGI +15% LUCK
Effect Value: 150% ~ 185%

Action Points 15

Uses: 5

Cast Time 120 ~ 280
JP: 200
Job LV: 5
AWK: 4
Deprotect Skill Area 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 2
Area HeightArea Height: 1
ActionAttacktypeicon mag attackNon-ElementalLowers DEF of targets within range for 3 turns.
-10 ~ -25 DEF

Technical Points 24

Uses: 3

Cast Time 120 ~ 280
JP: 400
Job LV: 5
AWK: 4
Deshell Skill Area 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 2
Area HeightArea Height: 1
ActionAttacktypeicon mag attackNon-ElementalLowers SPR for targets within range for 3 turns.
-10 ~ -25 SPR

Technical Points 24

Uses: 3

Cast Time 120 ~ 280
JP: 500
Job LV: 7
AWK: 6
Imperil Skill Area 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 2
Area HeightArea Height: 1
ActionAttacktypeicon mag attackThunder MagicDeals Dmg (S) to targets within range based on caster's MAG stat & lowers All Elemental Res for 3 turns.
Formula: 100% MAG +5% DEX +0% AGI +15% LUCK
Effect Value: 115% ~ 141%
-10 ~ -25 All-Elem AttackRes

Action Points 34

Uses: 3

Cast Time 160 ~ 360
JP: 1250
Job LV: 12
AWK: 5
Barthunder Skill Area 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 2
Area HeightArea Height: 1
ActionAttacktypeicon mag attackNon-ElementalRaises Lightning Res of allies within range for 3 turns.
10 ~ 25 Lightning AttackRes

Technical Points 20

Uses: 4

Cast Time 160 ~ 360
JP: 300
Job LV: 7
AWK: 6

Name Range Description Requirements
Fist Counter Skill Area 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ReactionAttacktypeicon phy attackNon-Elemental StrikeChance of Counterattack when taking Phys Attack Dmg.

Formula: 100% ATK +20% DEX
Effect Value: 95% ~ 121%

JP: 20
Job LV: 3
AWK: 1
Sword Guard Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ReactionAttacktypeicon phy attackNon-ElementalChance of taking reduced Dmg.

JP: 150
Job LV: 5
AWK: 3
Dispel Counter Skill Area 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 1
Area HeightArea Height: 0
ReactionAttacktypeicon mag attackNon-ElementalRemoves all Buffs from enemy when taking Dmg.
All Remove Buff
JP: 300
Job LV: 7
AWK: 6

Name Range Description Requirements
Divine Protection Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
SupportNon-ElementalRaises Debuff Res.
5 ~ 15 All Debuff Res
JP: 150
Job LV: 3
AWK: 2
Strike Mastery Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
SupportNon-ElementalRaises Strike ATK.
5 ~ 15 Strike Attack
JP: 20
Job LV: 3
AWK: 1
HP Up Lv. 1 Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
SupportNon-ElementalRaises Max HP.
5% ~ 15% Max HP
JP: 100
Job LV: 5
AWK: 1
Savior's Protection Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
SupportNon-ElementalRaises Debuff Res/Magic Attack Res.
5 ~ 12 All Debuff Res
5 ~ 12 Magic AttackRes
JP: 300
Job LV: 5
AWK: 4
HP Up Lv. 1 Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
SupportNon-ElementalRaises Max HP.
5% ~ 15% Max HP
JP: 200
Job LV: 7
AWK: 5
Emerald Echo Skill Area 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Range HeightRange Height: 0
Area HeightArea Height: 0
SupportNon-ElementalIncreases effect duration of Buffs/Debuffs cast by self by 1 turn.
1 Buff Turn Extension
1 Debuff Turn Extension
JP: 400
Job LV: 7
AWK: 6

